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2024 Wonder Woman Conference: Stepping Out & Stepping Up!

The Key: Empowering the Next Generation of Wonder Women.

Philippians 3:13-14

What an amazing time! This year's Wonder Woman Conference was an incredible success! The kick-off message from Rev. Debe Campbell ignited everyone present to pierce those thoughts that have held you back with the hammer of the spirit and the nail of the word of God! Next up, was Dr. Michelle Everett who reminded us that we are a body prepared and not to forget about Mary. Our next generation included Minister Shifa who encouraged us to a closer walk of intimate fellowship with the Lord and His word to transform our minds and lives and Minister Zoe Cooper shared about committing not to quit even when things look or feel hard.

Dr. Yolanda encouraged everyone that it wasn't about where you are in the line, it's about you just doing what you have been called to do in the place God has positioned you, and to remember that your gift is not for you but others. Minister Stephanie set the house ablaze by having everyone "burn the ships" of whatever has been a part of what used to be so that moving forward would be the only direction to go. And Dr. Clarice brought it all together by reminding us that we are a people making choices and the most important choice to make with your life and voice is to agree with God!

Check out these amazing powerhouse messages and receive the impartation to become God's Wonder Woman. See the videos of the conference here.

The 2024 Wonder Woman Conference speakers shown from left to right: Dr. Michelle Everett, Dr. Yolanda Shields, Apostle Tonya Green, Dr. Rebecca Murray, Dr. Clarice Fluitt, Rev. Debe Campbell, Minister Stephanie Cooper, Minister Zoe Cooper, and Minister Shifa Gill.

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